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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Triple Designer Giveaway!

I've teamed up with two of my favorite designers, Ceci Punch Designs and My Lucky Dragon to promote each other and give away a fabulous prize package to one lucky follower! 
Our goal is to get each of our pages to 1000 followers! 

In order to be selected as the winner you must be a follower of all three designer's pages!

Contest starts Thursday, February 14, 2013!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. How exciting! I am going to check out the other designer's pages. How can they be as cool as you?!?! :D Happy Valentine's Day! May you realize that you are loved and treasured beyond measure. 1 John 4:19 We love because he loved us first.

  2. Thank you Audrey. I'm a big fan of Ceci Punch Designs because they are unique and have such a cool flair! And even though I'm more of a shower rather than bath girl, My Lucky Dragon has such adorable items that I think I want to change my mind! Thanks for sharing and telling your friends.

  3. Evy's Tree sent me to your page and so far I LOVE what I see!!!!!! So excited for the giveaway and (of course) so hoping to win! ;)

  4. Welcome nikilooloo! I love Evy's Tree! Thank you so much for your super sweet words! There will be quite a few more items coming soon! And you can always send me your suggestions or ideas for what you would like to see!
