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Friday, May 31, 2013


Who said nothing in life is free? Because tonight IT IS!

I'm happy to announce the "Mustache Me Baby!" winner is none other than the lucky...


And since Jenna and I have never met, (or at least I don't think we have...) Let me just say, Hello, Nice to meet 'cha and, Congrats Jenna! I hope you enjoy your Mustache Wristlet Pocket. 

With the completely secure closure at the top, you can safely carry your cell phone, ID, Credit/Debit Card, Cash and maybe even your lipgloss. Tip: thread the strap through a loop on your jeans and you can even be hands free. 

So hugs to ya Jenna. Thanks for joining in on the mustache fun. All you need to do is send me an email, amber@daylinskye.com, and you can let me know where to ship your Wristlet Pocket.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Year ONE

Holy Guacamole Batman! One year ago yesterday, I boxed up all my personal items and bid farewell to a steady paycheck, health benefits, and really comfortable - tried and true - Monday through Friday, 9-5, corporate job.

I took a crazy leap into self-employment, designing handbags to be exact. (Me, the girl who doesn't even like carrying a purse. Oh the irony of it all.)

Who's wacky idea was this anyway?

BUT WOW!!! What an amazing journey! I have been successful beyond my wildest dreams. Everything has worked out perfectly. I can't believe following a crazy dream could turn out this well, and all in just a years time!


That's cute. But how about we go for honesty. (Not that I like honesty all that much, it is a bit over-rated if you ask me.)

It actually has been an amazing year. One in which I quickly discovered how little I knew about making a hand-crafted business work! But never fear, Google is here! I have spent so much time researching and asking Google questions, that Google actually now finishes my sentences for me. (So cool how it knows what questions I'm going to ask...)

And when Google didn't have the answer, I turned to my friend Amy, owner of Evy's Tree. And let me  just say, I have no-clue how she does what she does! She's a wife, a mom to two little lovely bundles of endless energy, and she runs Evy's Tree. Whaaa??? How??? I'm single and the mother to a furry four-legger, and haven't figured out yet how to get it all done! Hat's off to ya Amy!

Finding my market has been a challenge. It isn't enough to make cool handbags. You have to know who is going to buy your cool handbags. You have to answer questions like - Who is your target audience? What type of marketing does your target audience respond to? You also have to know where not to spin your wheels. Now that one, that is the real deal Holyfield. You can waste a lot of time trying to get your product out to an audience that isn't interested. Not that anyone wouldn't be interested in my cool bags mind you. I'm just making that statement in general. 

Here's the thing, I can tell you all the in and out's of building your hand-crafted business. But the most important part of it all, is enjoying your journey. And that, I most certainly do. I'm enthralled with the learning process. Oddly enough, I kind of like my mistakes. They make me sit back and examine my process. They allow for refinement of the product I'm selling. Learning from my mistakes actually gives me confidence in the quality and craftsmanship of what I sell.

I've experienced major hiccups along the road this year. Ideas that didn't work. Marketing that cost me more money than I recouped. Moments (more like months) of wondering how in the world I was going to get people interested in what I was selling. But, I've enjoyed the journey. Yep, there have been nights when I've literally fallen into bed fully clothed and woken up with my glasses still on my face. Many mornings when that cup of joe at Panera was my only fuel for the day. But I've enjoyed the journey.

So here's to Year TWO. Brace yourself, I'm coming for you.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The "F" Word and Why The More You Do It, The Better You Get

We avoid the "F" word.

We act like it is the plague.

Like we are going to catch something if we do it.


Last fall I had an idea for a new style of bag. I scratched it out on a piece of paper, made my measurements, laid out my fabric, cut it and sewed it together. Result? It was a total failure from what I had planned out on paper. 


I scrunched up my nose, (what I often do when I'm thinking) and looked at the bag. Nope, totally not my planned design. I didn't want to waste the fabric though, so I decided to put straps on it and just use it as my own personal bag.

So I sewed the straps on and held up the bag. And I'll be danged if this isn't what I saw.

My failed design was more beautiful than the bag I had planned out on paper. 

I think my heart might have skipped a beat. 

From my failure was born my entire 2012 Fall/Winter Collection. Truly beautiful bags that I am so proud to have created.

I'm not sure who decided "F-ing" was a bad word. Because let me say, I've had some of my best ideas happen after I "F-ed". When I "F-ed" and saw how something wouldn't work, I then figured out ways to achieve an even better end result.

Go and do. If you get lucky, maybe you'll even FAIL and get something better than you ever imagined.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Wristlet Pockets!

The Wristlet Pockets are a big hit and I'm soooo happy you all like them! 

I've decided to go ahead and make them available now. All you need to do is just email me, amber(at)daylinskye(dot)com 
let me know which Wristlets you want, and I will send you an invoice. You will need to have a PayPal account in order to purchase them.

In keeping with my style of doing things, the Wristlet Pockets are each unique. No two are the same. In fact many of them I only made one in the particular fabric. Don't wait to purchase as I will not be repeating the designs. (The Camo Case is the only)

**The Bright Chevron Stripe is Sold Out.

Friday, February 22, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to the Apple store...

Every once in a while, I am asked the question, 

"How did you start designing handbags?" 

Don't forget to enter our Triple Designer Giveaway {here}. 

Also, every day that you share our page or our giveaway with your friends on FB, just tag me or leave a comment on the photo and you will earn an additional entry each time! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Triple Designer Giveaway!

I've teamed up with two of my favorite designers, Ceci Punch Designs and My Lucky Dragon to promote each other and give away a fabulous prize package to one lucky follower! 
Our goal is to get each of our pages to 1000 followers! 

In order to be selected as the winner you must be a follower of all three designer's pages!

Contest starts Thursday, February 14, 2013!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 8, 2013

50 Things

While blog-stalking recently, I came upon a blogger who had a post titled, “50 Things”. Are you like me and like learning things about total strangers? (fess up you closet Facebook stalkers...you know who you are) So I thought I’d do the same thing. Without further ado, here they are in random order:

1. I'm an only child

2. My current fave color is Kelly green

3. I abhor frogs (don't even like fake kind)

4. Before designing handbags you would rarely find me carrying one

5. I like dubstep

6. Going to Cochella is on my bucket list

7. My fave ice cream is cheapo drug store mint n chip

8. I have a restored 56 Chevy 210

9. I am an avid reader

10. I totally suck at taking tests

11. I went to school for music

12. I'm a major Doris Day fan

13. Although I hate scary movies I'm strangely fascinated with "The Walking Dead" TV show

14. Hot tamales are my favorite candy

15. I'm a wine snob meaning I can't stand it

16. I can't frost a cake to save my life

17. I tend to give people nicknames

18. I find intelligence extremely attractive

19. I'm a P.K. (preachers kid)

20. I prefer Panera's hazelnut coffee over any other

21. I really like cold weather

22. I have a scar on the back of my leg from an ATV accident (I was showing off)

23. I do not, I repeat, do not like opera

24. I worked full-time for three years as an interior designer

25. Of all of God's non-breathing creations, the moon is my fave

26. When I was little my parents would call me a little brown bean because of how tan I was during the summer

27. I grew up without a TV

28. I have Hulu and Netflix and am now making up for lost time

29. I would get a tattoo if they just weren't so permanent

30. I'm a big fan of my own sense of humor

31. I sometimes wish we could drive bumper cars on real roads, there are a few people I'd like to gently "bump"

32. I'm barbie at math

33. I can not watch TV shows where people are falling or walking into doors or getting hurt (I.e., Americas Funniest Home Videos, etc...

34. I'm kind of addicted to watching actual surgical procedures

35. I'm allergic to grass, therefore I don't smoke it (see, sense of humor...I'm cracking up right now)

36. My first word was "bear"

37. I have a hard time shopping when things aren't orderly

38. I got a perm when I was 12 and earned the nickname Medusa

39. I probably won’t say anything to you if you make me mad, but you can count on the fact that I probably told you all about yourself in my head

40. My initials are kinda embarrassing, I blame my parents for not thinking that whole "middle name" through

41. I’m right-handed but if I wear a watch, I wear it on my right wrist (always have)

42. I like making lists (I also like leaving them at home so they are absolutely of zero good to me)

43. I’m particularly happy with my my birthdate because it is all sevens

44. I love makeup but I rarely wear it

45. I didn’t start wearing glasses until I was 15

46. I’m extremely productive when it rains

47. I’ve never seen either Hangover movies

48. I always wanted 6 kids

49. Peanut Butter & Jelly is my favorite sandwich

50. I’m kind of super stubborn

So that's me....now tell me about you! Please leave a comment below.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Polka Dotted - Karen Walker - Love

Karen Walker is one of my favorite designers. (No, not the Will & Grace, Karen Walker. Although, I gotta admit, that character was pretty hilarious!) 

I first found the super talented designer a few years back when perusing through an Anthro catalogue. (Can you call those catalogue? More like, Dream n' Drool Wish Books!) Since that time I always keep an eye out for her latest and greatest.

And this adorable dress arrived in my email today. 

I also really fancy her sunglasses. You may have seen them on a few celebrities. Like this cute pair that Gwen Stefani often sports. 

Gwen's style is very "out of the box" and therefore I tend to like what she wears. I just like that she does her own thing and looks fabulous doing it!

Are you a "defined" fashionista, or are you "Undefined"? I'd enjoy hearing from you either way. What are your thoughts?

till next time, 
hugs from me n' Rexy

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ta-da....the new cards

So over the holidays I thought about different things I could add to my shop. 
One of the bright ideas I had was paper cards. 

You all know I practically worship at the throne of Anthropologie, and second to that is probably the store Papyrus. Yes, I too have noticed I tend to like things I mostly can't afford! I was in their store the other day and seriously had to make myself not take anything up to the check out counter. 
Instead I stood and stared (tried not to drool mind you) and let my brain soak in the massive amounts of creativity floating around me.

With the evolution of email, the written word, has taken a major backseat. However, you and I know, sometimes you just need a card to convey your thoughts to another person. (plus it is much easier to destroy the evidence....just saying)

So.....I started playing around with sayings, and thinking about all the beautiful, timely and hilarious things I would enjoy seeing in a card. 

All the cards below are handmade and definitely Made in the USA! They each come with the envelope color shown behind the card and they are packaged individually in clear plastic envelopes.

 There are quite a few more coming soon, but I have to switch off tasks and get 
back to the sewing machine for a bit.

They are priced at $1.50 each or you may mix and match any 6 cards for $8. They will be in the shop soon, but you can just email me your order for now. (amber@daylinskye.com) 

 Sigh...I know, my sense of humor! 

Send your order to: 


I'll send you the invoice that includes the tax and shipping.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Freebie Friday Give Away!

Ok, let's do this! 
I love starting the year off right, and in the spirit of that, I want to have a give away. 

This is the Lezlie Bag. (on the right) What do you think? Would you like to win this bag?

Here is how to win:

1.) Like my Facebook page. www.facebook.com/daylin.skye.designs

                OR, follow me on Twitter - Daylin Skye Designs
                OR, follow me on Instagram - Daylin Skye

2.) Invite 10 of your friends to do the same.

3.) Send me an email to amber@daylinskye.com or message me on FB, Twitter or Instagram, with the names of your ten friends so I can verify you as the winner.

The first person who has 10 friends do any of the above, wins the Lezlie Bag.

That simple!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's almost FRIDAY!

I want to start this year off right, so since tomorrow is Friday, and it is the first Friday of 2013, I'm going to be giving something away. 

Check back here tomorrow for all the details!