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Saturday, August 11, 2012

In the shop now...the "Keem" bag

When my Aunt Kim asked me to design a bag for her, I was excited to take on the task of putting her personality and style into fabric. 

Kim is my Dad's youngest sister. The baby of the family. She was an unexpected bundle of joy that came along when my grandmother was 47 years old. And actually, they could have easily named her "Joy". She loves life and has the most infectious laugh. I can't count the times she and I have dissolved into fits of giggles and laughter over something only she and I thought was funny. The rest of the family looking at us as though we had lost our ever-loving minds. (hahaha...we probably had!)

I'm very happy with the way the "Keem" bag turned out. This larger style bag with a little extra in the design. The interior is a chocolate brown and ivory polka dot (of course, ya'll know I love polka dots!) It has all the usual pockets and key clip on the inside, and additional key clip and detachable matching petite pocket on the outside. (see the photo below)

My Aunt "Keem" has, umm....how shall I say...she has a taste for the more high-end bags. (no brand names mentioned...) So I'm honored that she would want to add a Daylin Skye bag to her collection.

~ peace ya'll 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

In the words of Oprah...

I think I heard Oprah once say, "Love is in the details"

So true!

I hope that once you buy a Daylin Skye Designs handbag, you never see anything but the outside of your bag. However, if you were to take a peek in between the seams, this is part of what you would see.

The photo above is the lining that went into the Neecy Bag. The see-thru is the interfacing which after it is applied to the fabric is then all serged so there aren't any fraying edges. Then it is sewn once, checked for fitting and sewn again for quality assurance and my own peace of mind. (Congratulations again, mi amiga, Amy Parnell, who won the Neecy bag just by sharing a photo!)

Although I don't work from a pattern (that part is just in my head), the quality process on the bags are all pretty much the same. I follow the contractor adage my Dad instilled in me, measure twice - cut once! When it comes to the sewing process, I want to make sure I'm putting a product together for you that won't fall apart on you! I test most things out on myself first. I'm pretty hard on bags, so they get slung over my shoulder, thrown onto the seat of the car, or buried in a shopping cart under miscellaneous items from my latest trip to the local hardware store. By trial and error, I've discovered which straps and attachments work best under constant stress. The key points and places I need to triple reinforce and backstitch to ensure durability. So if you decided to load up your Daylin Skye Designs bag with, books, a laptop, groceries, a pair of high heels, water bottles, file folders, a hammer or your dog (yes, all things I've put in my bag!), then the seams and linings and straps are all going to hold fast. 

100% Made in the USA, hand crafted and designed by me.

Yes... "Love is in the details".

Rocker re-vamp

If you had asked me two years ago if I wanted to go to a garage sale with you, I would have politely declined. Just not my thing. First because I don't do junk. Second because I can't concentrate when there is clutter. (stuff piled on top of stuff) And third because umm...I don't know the garage sellee's habits of cleanliness. Yes I know, I sound awfully snotty. Oh well...moment of truth. 

However, since I moved into my new casa, I have re-evaluated the cost benefits of buying at a garage sale. The three points above still hold very true. If my mom and I pull up to a garage sale that looks really junky, I generally stay in the car. Same holds true if it is super cluttered. And as for cleanliness, well there are certain things I just don't buy second hand. However, wood furniture or pieces that can be "re-purposed", now that might just be a deal. 

This rocking chair looked like something I could have fun with and it was only $5.

I bought two cans of spray paint from the local hardware store and gave it a new look.

I chose to rough up the edges a bit to give it a worn and comfy look.

And gave it a new home in my bedroom.

Spray painting can be addicting! And I don't mean the smell. (although maybe that is too...I'll get back to you on that...) Once I have a can of spray paint in my hand, I find myself looking around at what else I can "re-purpose". It is fun and easy and quick. 

It is also easy to fix if you, say...happen to spray paint a mirror frame a bright green apple shade.... Yeah, so ummm...that was not the look I was going for...

~ peace ya'll

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Take a break...just do it!

I just spent the last couple of hours outside working around the house, spray painting various projects. Basically avoiding the sewing machine. Not good... Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy sewing. I just needed a break. 

You know the kind of break you've known for a long time you needed to take, but the ever-present demands of job, work, life...they all flash their neon list of things to do at you. As if to say, "GET ME DONE".

Come on now...enough is enough. So I'm taking a break to type out this email and stay in touch with all of you because without you and your support, this handbag design business would be.... well, I don't know. But I know it wouldn't be the same. And to say, I hope you all are taking a break this weekend. All you mom's who work full-time and overtime, all the single ladies out there kicking a** and taking names. All you men, who are out there doing what is right for you and your families.... I hope you take a break this weekend. I hope you find a few minutes to steal away and be still for a bit. 

Trust me... the work, the demands, the get-it-done lists... they will all be there when you get back. It really is ok to take a break.

~ peace

Friday, August 3, 2012

Win the Neecy Bag!!!

So here's what you need to do to win:

When you see me post the special Share & Win photo, click on "share" and post the photo to your Facebook page. Then just leave a comment on the Share & Win photo letting me know you did. 

For those of you who access Facebook from your phones, I know you don't have the share option so all you need to do is post the following on your Facebook status. 

"I just "Shared to Win" the Daylin Skye Designs Neecy bag. Check it out! www.facebook.com/Daylin.Skye.Designs" 

Then leave a comment on the Share & Win photo.

You will have three chances to enter. I'll be posting the Share & Win photo three times on Friday, just follow one of the quick steps above each time and you'll be entered to win!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Share & Win! - The Neecy Bag

Hi ya'll! I thought it would cool to celebrate TGIF and kick off the weekend with a bag give away! 

So here's what you need to do to win:

When you see me post the special Share & Win photo, click on "share" and post the photo to your Facebook page. Then just leave a comment on the Share & Win photo letting me know you did. 

For those of you who access Facebook from your phones, I know you don't have the share option so all you need to do is post the following on your Facebook status. 

"I just "Shared to Win" the Daylin Skye Designs Neecy bag. Check it out! www.facebook.com/Daylin.Skye.Designs" 

Then leave a comment on the Share & Win photo.

You will have three chances to enter. I'll be posting the Share & Win photo three times on Friday, just follow one of the quick steps above each time and you'll be entered to win!

~ Peace and TGIF!!!!