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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The "Roxy" Bag

Introducing Roxy

Just slightly larger than the average Daylin Skye Bag, the Roxy has a little extra length on the straps to be worn comfortably at hip length or cross-body. Extra large pocket on the interior for a journal or iPad, and separate pockets for a cell phone, sunglasses or whatever you choose to carry. 

And as always, the interior key clip. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Introducing the Daylin Skye Featured Bags

I like trying new things, seeing what works for ya'll and what works for Daylin Skye Designs. So I thought I'd try a weekly post and where I can introduce a new bag to you and discount the price for one week. I'm hoping you guys will enjoy seeing the new designs as much as I enjoy sharing them.

For sure I have to start off with the "Carrie" bag. Before I post the photo, I have to tell ya'll that I was immediately drawn to this striking, slightly undefined flower print from the moment I laid eyes on it. I do like flowers, but as with most things I like, I'm not too keen on "same-old-same-old". So this dark teal and creamy cotton color print was right up my alley. 

I'm also a major fan of polka dots. Seriously! I have to restrain myself, from using polka dots with everything. So when I was designing this bag and deciding what to put together, I was too thrilled to trim it with the navy with white polka dotted fabric! Adding the bright aqua scroll-printed floppy bow, well really, need I say more? She's just adorable. It has been difficult not to just pull it from the shop and keep it for myself! 

I haven't decided if the "Carrie" bag will be a MBE Original, meaning, I won't duplicate it for any other orders. For now, there is just the one.

From July 19th - July 26th, the Carrie bag will be 25% off. One week only!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Is it just me or does everyone love their graphic designer this much? Brooke Foreman of www.rightleftstudio.com is quite simply amazing.

I feel like a new mommy! Every time I type in www.daylinskye.com and see the front page she designed my heart gets a little flutter. If I were getting a tattoo today it would probably say "I heart Brooke ". Lol!

~ Peace ya'll

Location:Isn't she lovely?

Houston....we have liftoff!

Finally, the end to a long, and eventful day. If only I had the energy to put sheets on my bed... Lol, yes that kind of day.

First there was Ed. I normally work alone at the Bedford office. That is if you don't count Masie the coon hound and Wiley the lab mix who bound into the office to greet me with wagging tails and bodies big enough to knock you down. But those two companions aside, I'm usually alone. Usually. Until today. Today I met Ed.

Ed first made himself known when I moved a big pile of documents. I saw him quickly appear and then disappear again under a table-top filing bin. Let me just say those six (or eight) legs of his certainly allow him to move fast. After looking for him I decided to let him be. After all, if he was willing to go into hiding and stay there, who was I to stop him? A few hours later as I was entering info into a billing statement, Ed reappeared. Right next to my hand as I typed.

I didn't give Ed the credit he deserved.

Ed has been taking steroids and working out on a pretty regular basis. He also has a tattoo that says, "Bring It".

Hold the sheets mother forklift and shut the front door!

I screamed like the girl I am and promptly doused the office in three layers of bug spray. I spent the rest of the day on the other side of the office. Ed won. That side of the office is now his.

I came home only to be notified by the contractor (aka, little Gary, my brother) that we have a leak somewhere in our plumbing. I say somewhere because we still don't know where. They are going to have to break open some parts of the walls to figure out the source.

Then I had to make a paint run to Home Depot, only to get stuck in traffic because a Humvee being driven by a Marine hit the Humvee he was following behind. Something tells me is buddies aren't going to let him live that one down anytime soon...

Follow that with program issues on the computer and emailing back and forth with my web designer as she worked on my last minute website edits. An eventful day.

But the new web page is up and I simply adore it. (Check it out...www.daylinskye.com)

Thanks Brooke, you are wonderful and I'm truly thrilled to have you as my designer.

~ Peace ya'll

Location:Houston...we have liftoff!

Monday, July 16, 2012

The day before

It is the day before my website/shop opens and I'm a bit anxious, nervous and even a bit unsure. Did I make the right choice? Was resigning from my corporate job the right move or was it a leap from the "frying pan into the fire"? Have I done enough? Will people like my designs? Should I have stuck with the tried and known path? So many questions in my mind made me look back at my life and where I am now.

I don't know that my life has ever looked much like anyone else's. But maybe that is what we all think? Aren't we all more alike than we are different?

I was born to a couple who were very much in love with each other. I am their only child although I have four half brothers who came along much earlier than me. There is a nine-year gap between myself and the youngest brother who, for the most part, was the only one I was raised with. I was the annoying, terrible, bratty younger sister that followed him around, and pretty much made his life miserable.

My dad was a preacher and when I was seven our family moved into 35 ft trailer, pulled by a big black boat of a car. The four of us and our German Shepard travelled the southwestern parts of the United States "evangelizing". Which means churches would request that my dad come to their city to hold a revival and we would park our trailer next to their church for a week or two weeks while while my dad preached for them and then move on to the next city and church. I'd have to ask my mom if I ever questioned our life, but as far as I recall, it was just my life. Just how we lived.

During those years between the age of 7 and 15, we did have a few cities that we called home for longer than a few weeks. My dad pastored churches in Johnson City, Texas, Friona, Texas, and Childress, Texas. All of those places left me with great memories. The Blue Bonnets, peaches and rattle snakes in Johnson City. The scar still visible on the back of my leg from trying to show off on a three-wheeler, learning to drive on dusty country roads, and the friends who became family in Friona. The red-dirt dust storms and unmentionable teenage antics (none of which escaped my mom's attention!) in Childress. People, places and things I'll never forget.

Growing up on the road shaped my life. I met so many different kinds of people, experienced many different cultures and styles of living. It is most likely why I enjoy traveling and being out on the open road. Getting up before daybreak, packing up the car and hitting the road. The quiet noise of the car's engine humming and the soothing sound of the tires as they move you across the cities and states. Watching the scenery as it changes.

When I look at the landscapes, the varied terrains, mountains, valleys, deserts and oceans that I've experienced first-hand in America and Europe, I know that my love for color and texture and creating new spaces and designs, all comes from God. He is a truly amazing artist, and if my inspiration comes from any source, it comes from him. In the end I haven't really "created" anything new, I'm just copying the master.

It is my hope people enjoy my designs and carrying the unique expression of their individuality. Alike in so many ways and yet so distinctly just theirs.

~ I wish you peace and thank you for your support.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Puppy Love

I have to laugh at myself sometimes with all my posts and photos of my adorable puppy Rexy. But honestly, he is such a love! 

I was raised with dogs in the home. When I was born we had a beautiful Silver Bar German Shepard named, Duchess. She was wonderful. My mom tells me that I would crawl all over her, sit on her, pull her ears and she would endure it for a while, then just get up and walk away. She lived to be 13 years old. Which for a German Shepard, is a long life span. 

After Duchess, we have mostly had  short-haired dachshunds. There was Sugar, Baby, Dundee and another Sugar. Then, after much begging and pleading, my parents bought me Sparky, a beautiful girl Dalmatian. Then Ginny, Digger and Sophia, all red doxies. 

When I went out to help my mom get a new puppy, I met Rex. I wasn't even looking for a puppy. But this sweet little, long-haired, red doxie boy just wanted to be held. I remember, I sat down on the living room floor to hold him and he crawled up my chest, put his nose almost touching mine, and just stared at me. Unblinking, he didn't even try to lick me. 

That was all she wrote, I was sunk, head-over-heels in love! 
This is, Rock Rex Stetson Day. I mean really! Look at those ears! 

He is the most amazing dog. First, he is super chill. Not much phases him. He loves to go riding in the car. (As long as he can sit on my lap.) I know you all won't believe this, (I have it on video!) but he goes potty on command. Seriously. He is just the best.

So there is all my lovey dovey talk about my little Rexy-love. He is the best!

~ peace, Amber