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Sunday, May 27, 2012


This bag is a custom order and is already sold

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, May 18, 2012

Change. Like it? Can't stand it?

Ok, so I'm one of the weirdos that like change. I think I get bored easily, so for me change keeps my brain clicking. But I'm no different than most in that even though I embrace change, (bake a cake when I see it coming, as my dad used to say) it still can be one of those things that is a little scary.

And voila! X marks the spot. That is where I find myself.

Suffice it to say I haven't been happy in my 9-5 for over a year now. I adored my peeps (co-workers), but I disliked my two-hour commute. Even more, I was always worn out by the time I got home. Something about that hour to hour and 30 minutes (fingers crossed that there weren't any accidents to delay traffic even longer) trek home, was draining for me. Once home, I found I didn't want to do anything. Most nights I would plop myself down in front of the internet with dinner and then drag myself to bed only to start the whole thing over again at 4:30 the next morning. Over the past year I gained (eeek...) 35 lbs. Getting it off without any form of exercise was impossible. Ugh...I was so unhappy. And so after months of thought I resigned from my job. Yesterday was my last day.

Yesterday was such an emotional day for me. Even though I was doing what was right for me, it was still such a hard step to take. I'm not much of a crying type of person (my mom calls me hard-hearted-Hannah) but yesterday I definitely shed my share of tears. But after the waterworks ended, I realized I felt such a weight (not literal lbs. mind you, although that would have been welcome) lift off of me. It was finally done. Over. I felt, well, free.

Today, my internal clock woke me up at the usual time, but I stayed in bed till 5:30. I'm a total morning person and one of the major things I have missed about having to commute an hour to work, was that I didn't get to start my day off with a cup of coffee and a comfy chair at the local Panera. I had really missed that. So that is where I was a few minutes after 6 this morning. A cup of yummy Panera coffee, my iPad and me. It was so nice.

The task of making my bag designing a success is so daunting! Jeez, the pressure I feel inside is no fun. But, I want to see where it can go. I hope it is a huge success, but if it isn't, I'm ok with that too.