1. existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics:
2. having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable:
You are one among billions of people who inhabit this earth, yet there is no one just like you. Society tells us what we should look like, sound like and what box we should fit in. Try as we might, we can never seem to get all of ourselves into just one box. Could it be you were never meant to be like everyone else?
Each bag I design is unique. When I began creating and designing bags, I decided I wouldn't make the same bag twice. When I sit down with the fabric and begin planning out a bag, I let the pieces inspire me. Each bag takes on its own characteristics. It is....well, unique. And why not? After all, there is only one you.
This bag is lovingly created in celebration of my amazing Daddy. His fierce love lives inside my heart. I am truly and undoubtedly, forever Daddy's girl.